Named account signup




Activate this play

Product trigger

New decision maker signs up from a target account

About this play

A decision maker just signed up to one of your workspaces. They might have different expectations when signing up, and will likely not use the same features as the end users in that account. Reach out and ask about their business priorities as it relates to your tool. Pitch them alignment between their priorities and the benefits of a paid plan. Share case studies to back up your claims.

Actions to take

  • Review the account’s product usage.
  • Research and connect with the decision maker on LinkedIn.
  • Create a new opportunity in your CRM.
  • Add the decision-maker to a sequence. 
  • Share a case study of a similar company and/or use case (as well as other helpful resources) relating to efficiency and ROI.

Recommended message

Ask how your product can align with their priorities and mention how end users are leveraging your product. Offer paid plans with admin functionalities.

Outreach to end-user

How Calixa helps yourun this play

Calixa identifies decision-makers and helps you gain context on the account so that you know what to share/pitch to drive sales conversations.