Trending out of compliance




Activate this play

Product trigger

A qualified account is approaching the limit of the free plan

About this play

One of your top accounts is approaching the limit of the free plan. Proactively engage active users to convert them to your paid plan. If account usage is healthy, users are getting value from your product. Mention how hitting the paywall can have negative impacts on their business. If account usage is below expectations, offer a call with a product expert to help them become more successful.

Actions to take

  • Review the account’s product usage to make your outreach contextual and personalized. 
  • Add the most active end users to a sequence to highlight value they’re getting. 
  • Identify a decision-maker and add him/her to a sequence about upgrading.

Recommended message

Offer plan extensions or upgrade to avoid any business interruptions or impacts from hitting the free plan’s limit.

Outreach to end-user

How Calixa helps yourun this play

Know which accounts are trending out-of-compliance and get the context you need to pitch your active users about converting to a paid plan.